What Now?!

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On July 17th, 2020 the following 14 local and national arts professionals came together to record a discussion on “The Role of the Traditional Gallery amid George Floyd and Black Lives Matter Protests. America, What Now?”

This video captures a panel discussion on the role of the traditional gallery in the world today as we address systemic issues of race and injustice in this country. The Alice Wilds is focused on promoting art and artists and we acknowledge the need to address these difficult topics and hope to stimulate constructive and sincere conversations for galleries, artists, and our patrons on what practicing anti-racism means in today’s society, and more specifically inside the art world.

The discussion was moderated by Tyanna Buie, artist and educator ( @tyanna_buie )

Panelists & Contributors included the following gallery owners, curators, artists, and community arts advocates from Wisconsin, Illinois, New York, and New Mexico. [Click on the names below to view their websites]

Anais Duplan ( Panelist – @an.duplan )
Jenie Gao ( Panelist – @jeniegao )
Michelle Grabner ( Panelist – @michelleagrabner )
Josh Hintz ( Panelist – @vargallery – @varwestgallery – @hawthorncontemporary )
Frank Juarez ( Panelist – @frankjuarezgallery – @artdosemagazine )
Leah Kolb ( Panelist – @leahckolb – @mmocamadison – @plumblossominitiative )
Lucy Mensah, PhD ( Panelist – @lkmensah )
Polly Morris, PhD ( Panelist – @lyndedsculpturegarden – @nohlfellows )
Maureen Ragalie ( Panelist – @maureen_ragalie – @fellowship.art )
John Riepenhoff ( Panelist – @thegreengallery )
John Sobczak ( Panelist – @thealicewilds )
Kylee Aragon Wallis ( Panelist – @zanebennettgallery – @kyleea )
Deb Brehmer ( Contributor – @portraitsocietygallery )
Simone DeSousa ( Contributor – @simonedesousagallery )


Links to Panel Discussion Research Articles [Click on the titles below to view]

“Artists in 18 Major US Museums Are 85% White and 87% Male, Study Says” by Hakim Bishara on Hyperallergic

“Art so white: Black artists want representation (beyond slavery) in the Met, National Gallery” by Nicquel Terry Ellis in USA TODAY

“Are Art Museums Racist?” By Maurice Berger in Art in America

“Big ideas: Can art galleries and collections preserve history and be relevant to today’s audiences?” by Mark Wedel on Second Wave Southwest Michigan

“Why is African American art having a moment? The reasons are as varied as the art itself” by Charles Desmarais in Datebook

“Museums Are Becoming More Diverse, but There’s Still Work to Do” by Benjamin Sutton on Artsy

“With New Urgency, Museums Cultivate Curators of Color” by Bryan Derballa for The New York Times

“The Evolving Role of the Exhibition and its Impact on Art and Culture” Anna C. Cline, Senior Theses and Projects, Trinity College

“Commercial Galleries and Non Profit Art Spaces: The Thin Red Line” by Núria Gurina Puig on Talking Galleries

“Is the Traditional Art Gallery Dead? 21 Industry Insiders Tell Us What (They Hope) Comes Next” by Artspace Editors on Artspace

Artist whose Exhibition on Police Brutality was Abruptly Canceled in February Says Institutions Must do Better” by Shaun Leonard on CNN Style

“Black Bodies, White Cubes: The Problem with Contemporary Art’s Appropriation of Race” by Taylor Renee Aldridge in ArtNews

“Aruna D’Souza’s Whitewalling: Art, Race & Protest in 3 Acts” By Nico Wheadon in The Brooklyn Rain

“Who Will Have the Final Say Over Downtown Madison’s Protest-era Murals?” by Jenie Gao in Tone Madison